What Brings You In?
Last summer, my good friend Hardy Awadjie had me act in epiosde 6 of his award-winning webseries “What Brings You In?” In the parking lot afterwards, I cornered him and begged him to let me direct the next one. Fortunately for me, he not only let me direct episode 7, but we co-wrote it together. Check out episode 7: CULTS here.
Forest Giants
This time last year, I was knee deep in poison oak spotting someone in a big foot costume as we filmed across a ravine. This time this year, that film— “Forest Giants”— is complete, and I’m so proud. It’s a short film about a brother and sister that venture into the woods to film a big foot hoax in 1999. For this film, I produced, script doctored, and 1st AD’ed. Now the film is off to festivals!
A Pushcart Prize nominee…
…that’s how I’ll officially be introducing myself hereto-forth. My first published short story, This Little Piggy Got Some, was nominated by the editors at Jabberwock Review for a Pushcart Prize. This is v cool for me.
If you have those post-Thanksgiving blues…
…curl up with a good screen and read my short story This Little Piggy Got Some.
This story was inspired by all the friends around me seriously considering selling photos of their feet to pay rent. I imagined it would actually take a lot of work and explored that with Esther, a nineteen year old who moved to L.A. waiting for life to happen to her.
This Little Piggy Got Some was my first short story since the half-realized ones I wrote in college, and it was published in the summer/fall 2021 issue of Jabberwock Review.
The story takes place around Thanksgiving and features some strong home-cooked meal vibes.
back to school szn
I’ve been browsing the course catalog for the writing program at UCLA extension for years, and now I am actually enrolled! This year, I have the honor of receiving the 2021-2022 Phyllis Gebauer Scholarship in Writing at UCLA extension. Currently, I’m reading and writing my way through an advanced short story class. How I’ll narrow down my choices for the next two quarters is beyond me. Workshopping my writing in this environment is a dream.
Meet the Recipients of the 2021-2022 Phyllis Gebauer Scholarship in Writing